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Be Brave
Made with Okay Next (custom)
solo developer
Summary ↓
Currently in-development.
The project is about surviving a retro-futuristic world after its fallen, maintaining a small colony of various generated characters, collecting resources to sustain it and perhaps attracting more survivors to grow. The highlight of the project is the programmability of the intelligent behaviors for the characters by the player. As players embark on missions out in the world to explore, gather supplies and put down any rogue machines left, players have the ability to order a squad of 4 characters to perform tasks while they themselves react according to their programmed behaviors!
The game uses the
Tiled Map Editor
to create the world and the various events within it. The game's inventory of items and the numerous computer controlled enemy characters are created and managed by software that I have developed using the Windows Foundation Platform in C# and XAML. In addition, I have done all of the graphics myself as well by using the pixelart software
Lastly, it is the first project using an upgraded custom engine which I have built, previously titled "Okay Engine" as seen in my released game
Stay Safe
. It is now using
MonoGame 3.8
as a foundation and .NET Core for its desktop compilations. For game consoles, it remains to target .NET 4.5 due to dependencies.